How is penis enlargement surgery performed? What types of surgical interventions are there?

Penis enlargement surgery

Before deciding on unusual cosmetic surgery such as penis enlargement, you need to have a clear understanding of when and when you should have surgery and whether it is worth it.

In addition, the most common surgical procedures and their possible consequences and how to enlarge organs through surgical methods are introduced in detail.

Penisplasty: what is it, reasons for appointment and contraindications

Penis plastic surgery involves restoring the functions of the penis (including its urinary and sexual functions) or changing its external characteristics.

The indication for phalloplasty is the cause of failure or insufficient function of the penis.

However, in addition to the main reason, there are several other medical reasons:

  • Abnormal penis changes;
  • Damage caused by various injuries (mechanical, thermal, chemical);
  • The organ is underdeveloped or its length/thickness is small;
  • Deformation of reproductive organs;
  • Tumor (malignant);
  • gangrene;
  • Removal of organs for any other reason;
  • Erectile dysfunction, etc.
The normal penis length is 12-15 cm

Due to dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penis, especially the size of the penis, men usually turn to specialists who perform penis enlargement surgery. The normal length of the penis has certain indicators. The length of the normal penis fluctuates within this range, but the correct measurement is very important.

The size of the penis is divided into three dimensions:

  1. Resting
  2. When stretching
  3. erection.

Immediately after undressing, measure at room temperature and at room temperature to avoid tissue shrinkage due to cooling.You can stretch the penis as much as possible by gently grasping and pulling the head.

Measure the organs along its back (from the pubic bone to the edge of the head). In this case, it is recommended to hold the penis so that it is at a right angle to the abdominal wall. If the length of the penis is less than 9. 5 cm, then we can say that the man’s penis is very small.

Unfortunately, not all strong gender representatives who express this desire can resort to this action.There are many specific contraindications to phalloplasty.These include:

  • Irreversible organ disease;
  • Inflammatory process of the genitourinary system;
  • Insanity;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases or genital infections;
  • diabetes;
  • Leukemia, etc.

To learn more about the operation, and at the same time consult the doctor about the possibility of performing the operation,It is necessary to visit a sexologist first, and then a urologist and andrologist.After receiving enough information and passing the examination, you can go directly to a surgeon who has experience in performing operations on male genital organs.

Main types of penis enlargement surgery

In order to change the size of the penis, there are a variety of surgical options. Among these methods, several methods can be distinguished, and in most cases the desired effect can be achieved. Learn more about them.

Ligament incision

Ligamentotomy is a fairly simple aesthetic surgery whose purpose is to increase the length of the penis.

reference.It should be noted that in most cases, ligamentotomy is performed without indication, but only at the request of a man. In addition, the length of his reproductive organs may even be within the normal range.

On the eve of the operation, the specialist conducted a thorough examination and assigned many studies. Most commonly, we are talking about analysis, including: identification of group affiliation, CBC + clotting time, HIV analysis, hepatitis B and C, and electrocardiogram.

If all examinations are normal, the doctor will give detailed instructions on how to prepare for the operation. Therefore, on the night before the operation, it is necessary to carefully scrape and clean the pubic bone. Food and water should not be consumed on the day of surgery.

Anatomy of the ligaments that support the penis

The operation itself takes no more than half an hour and is usually performed under general anesthesia.

  1. The surgeon makes a small incision in the scrotum, exposing the connective fibers of the ligaments that support the penis, and then dissects them.
  2. Pull the hidden part of the penis outward, and then suture the incision.

Remember, surgery will not cause the magical penis enlargement. Only the correct long-term wearing of special support devices can achieve positive results.

During the postoperative period during the hospitalization, the patient must observe bed rest and receive regular examinations by the doctor. After discharge from the hospital, the following rules should be strictly observed:

  • Temporarily abstain from physical exercise;
  • Do not have sexual intercourse within 3-4 weeks after the operation;
  • Take prescription drugs in time for a thorough and rapid recovery;
  • Don't forget personal hygiene;
  • Exclude wearing tight underwear;
  • Use extender to wear for 3 months.

You can fully recover about six months after the operation.If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you can achieve the desired results.

A few words about the price of surgery. First of all, the cost of penis enlargement surgery depends not only on the clinic, but also on the equipment used during the operation, the professional level of the surgeon, and the conditions of the hospital where the patient spends time in the hospital. Postoperative period.

Lipid filling

The purpose of lipid filling is not to lengthen the penis, but to make it thicker.The desired effect can be achieved by introducing subcutaneous injection.In the case of fatliquoring, the patient’s fat tissue is used to remove it from excess areas, such as the abdomen, lower back, thighs, etc.

  1. Removal of fat tissue is completely painless and fast enough. It is then injected subcutaneously into the desired location and at the same time a new size penis is formed. After this operation, due to the use of the patient's own materials, it is unlikely to show the risk of terrible complications such as tissue rejection.

    attention.It should be remembered that in the postoperative phase, the size of the organ will gradually decrease and eventually stop.

    The fact is that the fat after injection shrinks in the range of 30-45%, which is considered normal.

  2. The operating time is 1-2 hours. It is usually performed under local anesthesia. After the end, there will be small bruises and swelling on the body, but no scars will be left.Checked by an expert before fatliquoringSince the process is carried out gradually, the fat will be injected in small doses.
  3. On the eve of the operation, a professional will conduct an examination and issue many checklists, which are almost the same as the checklists described in the previous operation; in addition, urine can be drawn for analysis.
  4. It is recommended to eat the correct diet (low-calorie diet is recommended) two weeks before the operation, avoid alcohol, nicotine, and minimize physical activity a few days before the operation.

Microsurgery muscle transplantation

Microsurgery muscle transplantation

The essence of the operation is to wrap the penis with fragments separated from the widest back musclesThen microscopic blood vessels are placed at the surgical site to maintain active and healthy blood circulation.

Surgery is quite complicated and is most commonly used when the reproductive organs are damaged or cannot even be classified as small reproductive organs, that is, their length is less than 2. 5 cm, and they are transgender or bisexual.

In order to perform this operation, many preparation procedures are performed.And conducted many analyses. The main condition for surgery to transplant tissues to reproductive organs is that there are no contraindications to autologous transplantation (the organ should have enough tissue, and the patient’s condition should allow many hours of surgery, depending on the method, lasting about 6-8 hours). . .

Potential risks and consequences of surgery

Although the above operations seem simple, they not only bring pleasing results, but also unpleasant consequences. So when it comes to ligamentotomy,Not to mention the possibility of multiple complications, such as:

Erectile dysfunction-complications of ligamentotomy
  • bleeding;
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • infection;
  • The penis is deformed.

If certain technical difficulties arise during the operation, this is possible because it is performed by an unqualified surgeon.

After fatliquoring, the risk of obtaining a risk different from the results discussed is less than the risk of transligamentotomyAnd the most common reasons are the possibility of infection, the appearance of penile asymmetry or insufficient correction.

It should also be understood that cosmetic surgery is mainly used to adjust the size of the penis as much as possible. This means that the patient must have a realistic understanding of the expected results after surgery.

Such a procedure can increase the length of the penis by no more than 3-5 cm, everything else is misleading or fraudulent.

In summary, it can be said that the operation of penis enlargement is not a myth, but a "miracle" because the size of the penis will increase greatly. In addition, this decision has a large number of contraindications and consequences. Therefore, if the size of the penis is within the normal range, it is worth thinking twice before deciding on surgery.